[Paraview] Question on file format

Alberto Fernandez alberto at cognitdesign.com
Thu Jun 8 13:06:39 EDT 2006


I'm writing a parse for a CFD program that we use. The idea is 
converting the results file to Paraview. I have been successful creating 
a parallel file for the unstructured grid and the file with the grid. I 
other words, I can put my geometry in Paraview. What I would like to do 
is to create a results file for each time step. This files should not 
have the information about the mesh since it does not change, just the 
results. Is this possible at all? If it is, please can you direct me a 
little into how to do it. I have tried adding pieces to the parallel 
file but then I get error saying that I do not have points. If what I 
want is not possible, what strategy would you recomend, putting 
everything in the same file?
Thank you a lot for your time.

Alberto Fernández
alberto at cognitdesign.com

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