[Paraview] New Mac Installation

Joe Koski jkoski11 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 24 22:58:57 EST 2006


I'm a Sandia retiree and consultant. I was just given the website by a
Sandia staff member about an hour ago, and I'm trying to install paraview on
my Mac G5 with OS X 10.3.9 and Xcode 1.5. The code we use recognizes .vtk
files, so we thought we'd give it a try.

I think I have extracted paraview correctly, which took some understanding
of the .tar file structure. A suggestion would be to set up the .tar to
extract directly with a "tar -xvf paraview.tar -C /usr/local" instead of
having the intermediate directory that you have now. I had to make my own
tar of the four directories (bin, lib, doc, share) before it would extract
correctly into /usr/local.

Now, when I launch paraview I get

jakoski$ paraview
ParaView error: InitializeTcl failed
Tk_Init error: this isn't a Tk application couldn't connect to display

OK, I think I have an older version of Tk/Tcl already installed. Do I need
another version, or do I just need a new line in my .bash_profile or
.bashrc? I suspect that I have a missing dependency.

Thanks for any ideas.

Joe Koski

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