[Paraview] Getting started

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 15:18:11 EDT 2006

Can you post the exact errors you are getting as well as the
CMakeCache.txtfrom your build tree. If your message is rejected
because of it's size,
don't worry. I will make sure it goes through.


On 8/15/06, Chyczewski, Thomas <Thomas.Chyczewski at ngc.com> wrote:
> I would like to give Paraview a try but am having trouble building an
> executable. Is there an archive somewhere that contains more information
> than that given in Install link of paraview.org?
> In case someone on this list can help, here is my problem:
> I have an SGI running IRIX 6.5. I downloaded ccmake 2.4.3 and paraview
> 2.4.4. I installed cmake, untarred paraview, created the directory
> ./paraview-2.4.4-irix, created the environmental variables pointing to
> my c and c++ compilers and executed "ccmake ../paraview-2.4.4" in that
> directory. After a little while, I get the error message stating that it
> cannot find
> paraview-2.4.4/GUI/Widgets/Examples/Cxx/SimpleWindowWithImageWidget/vtkK
> WSimpleWindowWithImageWidgetExample.h plus 4 other files similar files.
> As I doubt that I have uncovered an ommision in the distribution file, I
> believe I am missing something. Can anyone help me out?
> I also tried to build paraview 2.2.1. In this case, I was able to get
> through ccmake, but the compilation failed because in
> vtkThreadedController.h,  "pid_t" is undefined. Any suggestions?
> Tom
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