[Paraview] Compile Problems In 2.2.1 on Tru64 (2nd post)

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:42:14 EDT 2005

Replace line 174 with:

  if (os == NULL || estimated_length <= 0 || !format)

I fixed this on CVS head a while ago. Amy, can you check if this is
fixed on 2.2 branch?


On 9/6/05, Kent Eschenberg <eschenbe at psc.edu> wrote:
> Sorry to repeat this request for help but we are dead in the water on this
> issue and I've seen no similar problem in the bug list. Original post 8/30.
> It looks like the CMake script is failing (The Warning) and then the
> compiler catches some bad C++ code (The Error).
> This build is not using MPI but is using Mesa and the native HP/Compaq/DEC
> compiler (V6.5-040).
> ============================
> The Warnings
> . . .
> Building Custom command
> /usr/local/packages/paraview/2.2.1/osmesa/nompi/GUI/Client/vtkPVRenderViewP
> roxyImplementationClientServer.cxx...
> Building dependencies cmake.check_depends...
> Building dependencies dependlocal...
> $? list too long
> $? list too long
> Building dependencies dependlocal...
> $? list too long
> Building dependencies dependlocal...
> Building object file vtkPVApplicationTcl.o...
> . . .
> ============================
> The Error
> . . .
> -- Generate module: Writers
> . . .
> Building object file vtkPVTraceHelper.o...
> cxx: Error:
> /usr/local/packages/paraview/2.2.1/src/GUI/Client/vtkPVTraceHelper.cxx,
> line 174:
>           no operator "!" matches these operands
>             operand types are: ! std::va_list
>   if (os == NULL || estimated_length <= 0 || !format || !ap)
> --------------------------------------------------------^
> Any ideas what to do to fix this? Thanks in advance for any advice.
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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