[Paraview] server error msg

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Fri Sep 2 12:41:06 EDT 2005

This problem is brought up over and over again. We should certainly do a better job of letting people know exactly how the geometry delivery and compositing work in ParaView.
1) ParaView can work in client/server mode two ways
    a) Delivery geometry to the client
    b) Open windows on the server, render pieces, composite, and deliver images to the client
2) ParaView has a control under 3DView properties called 'Composite' the default is 10MB.
What is happening is that for many datasets your geometry is under 10MB so it gets delivered to your client. When the geometry is more than 10MB ParaView tries to open X-windows on the servers (fails) and you get the message below. 
So you should set up your servers so that processes can open up an X-windows. Note: The default x/security settings will not allow this and you (or your cluster admin will have to set this up).
Alternative 1) Compile paraview with mesa. Good option if your servers don't have graphics cards. Obviously a bad solution of your servers have cards.
Alternative 2) Turn compositing off all together, again not a good long term solution but will get you up and running quickly.
Steve (Monk), can you provide a 'how to' for setting up X to allow processes to open up windows and send to this list?
Brian Wylie - Org 9227 
Sandia National Laboratories 
MS 0822 - Building 880/A1-J 
(505)844-2238 FAX(505)845-0833                       
     ____                  _    __ 
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 /_/    \__,_/_/   \__,_/ |___/_/\___/|__/|__/
                                    Unleash the Beast


From: paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org on behalf of Jack Gundrum
Sent: Thu 9/1/2005 11:57 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] server error msg


I am running a paraview server connecting to a client as follows

mpirun -v -machinefile /etc/mpich/machines.LINUX -np 13
/usr/global/paraview/bin/paraview --server
running /usr/global/paraview/bin/paraview on 13 LINUX ch_p4 processors
Created /home/jsg3/PI15832
Listen on port: 11111
Waiting for client...
connected to port 11111
Client connected.
Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In
line 326
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x80a2ed8): bad X server connection.

Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In
line 169
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x80a2ed8): bad X server connection.

p0_16143:  p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11
Killed by signal 2.

This does work fine most of the time except when I try to create
contours from my data set?
I am new to Paraview so any help would be help:)
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