[Paraview] Server Manager and Python wrapping

Wiktor Moskwa wiko_m at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Sep 1 14:48:29 EDT 2005

Hello again Andy,

Andy Cedilnik wrote:
> You will need to create interaction layer on top of it. By default
> ParaView ServerManager does not have code to support mouse events. You
> have to do something like:
>   vtkPVGenericRenderWindowInteractor* iren =
>     vtkPVGenericRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast(rm->GetInteractor());
> and then invoke events on iren.

I've managed to make part of it working on a Python level (I got too
many problems with wrapping mixed wxWidgets/VTK C++ class).

So I exposed PVGenericRWI and few other classes through ParaView Python
wrappers. I also made PVGenericRWI fire RenderEvent when it is about
to call Render or EventuallyRender on PVRenderViewProxy. This way
I can setup a Python callback and update render module proxy when
necessary. I've attached a proper patch for ParaView CVS version if 
someone is ineterested.

Now it looks like this:
+---------------+  ----- forwarding events ----->  +--------------+
|  wxVTKRWI.py  |                                  | PVGenericRWI |
+---------------+  <---- render callbacks -------  +--------------+

I also attached a modified wxVTKRenderWindowInteractor.py class with
an example.

But there is still a big problem - when I run this script with
MPI (through pvpython) only data from *one* server is rendered...
I have to admit that I don't understand how Server Manager
composes data from multiple servers yet.
If someone could provide some source of documentation on this subject
I'd appreciate (ParaView book doesn't describe internals).

Best regards,
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