Fwd: Re: [Paraview] Defunct classes

Randy Hudson hudson at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Oct 6 16:37:39 EDT 2005

In July (see below), I changed all references in my custom GUI from vtkKWLabeledFrame to vtkKWFrameWithLabel so I could work with the 07/11 development release of paraview.

Now, in paraview 2.2.1, vtkKWFrameWithLabel seems to've gone away.

The only class I can find there whose name contains "Frame" and "Label" is vtkKWFrameLabeled.

Is that taking over for the until-all-too-recently-vibrant vtkKWFrameWithLabel?

>Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 10:05:28 -0400
>To: Randy Hudson <hudson at mcs.anl.gov>
>From: Sebastien BARRE <sebastien.barre at kitware.com>
>Subject: Re: [Paraview] Defunct classes
>Hello Randy,
>I'll answer most of your questions here, Berk will adress the rest. Yes, for the most part, classes have been renamed as an undergoing effort to clean the KW subdir...
>At 7/14/2005 12:12 PM, Randy Hudson wrote:
>>/home/hudson/Software/ParaView_CVS_07112005/src_flashgui/GUI/Client/vtkPVFlashCutWidget.cxx:34:31: vtkKWLabeledFrame.h: No such file or directory
>vtkKWLabeledFrame is now vtkKWFrameWithLabel, this was done recently to try to reach a uniform naming convention for the KW package (i.e. vtkKWFooWithBar, as in vtkKWCheckbuttonWithLabel, or vtkKWFrameWithScrollbars)

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