[Paraview] volume rendering/ isosurfaces from a adaptive subset of a regular grid.

Daniel Goldstein Daniel.E.Goldstein at colorado.edu
Mon May 2 17:19:56 EDT 2005

   I am back to working on visualizing my data in ParaView, which 
consists of an adaptive set of points that lie on a subset of a regular 
I have a couple more  questions.   One way to  attack visualizing  my 
problem is to interpolate  some more data points,
such that I have an AMR type grid of different size cubes. Then I should 
be able to generate a hexahedral grid  with connectivity.
So a couple questions about doing this.

1)  Are hexahedral grid elements the only type supported for 
unstructured volume rendering and isosurfaces?

2) Do the faces of the hexahedral elements need to be contiguous? (i.e.. 
can four small faces meet up with one large face?)

3) Is there any limit on the number of  unstructured grid elements that 
can be volume rendered with ParaView?

4) I noticed that KitWare has a phase 1 SBIR for working on AMR 
visualization. Will this code end up in ParaView?

Thanks for the info..


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