[Paraview] How to get the specific information about the class hierarchy

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Mar 29 09:12:40 EST 2005

wpfeng wrote:
> I'm trying to understand the hierarchy of the paraview class.
> I know that paraview can be divided into 4 parts:
> Client, Server Manager, Data server and Render server.

The data server is where computation takes place, the render server is
where rendering of the geometry takes place.  The server manager is a
library to aid writing clients.  The Client is a desktop GUI that links
to the server manager at build time and uses it at runtime to contact
the data and render servers.  Optionally the data and render servers can
be in the same process, or all three (client, data, and render) in one

For small data on a single machine just running "paraview" will load all
components in the same process.  On a network some machines can be
designated data/render servers and then one machine running the GUI can
connect to the servers.

More information is available in the "ParaView Guide":



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