[Paraview] About paraview execution flow!

forest forest80 at 163.com
Wed Jul 27 10:34:08 EDT 2005

   Paraview runs in stand-alone mode. When we open a pvd file, the method vtkPVWindow::OpenCallback() is called. This then calls vtkPVWindow::OpenWithReader which calls tkPVReaderModule::ReadFileInformation. Within ReadFileInformation method, vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdateInformation() is called. Then Process Module will invoke vtkAlgorithm::UpdateInformation through client-server stream interpreter. At last, vtkXMLReader::ReadXMLInformation are called to read the pvd and vtu files. The data sets which are read are stroed in the vector of vtkInformation.
   Then, when we click the Accept button, the method of vtkPVSource::AcceptCallback is called on the instance of vtlPVSource associated with the current data set. This then calls vtkPVSource::AcceptCallbackInternal which calls vtkPVSource::Accept. Within the Accept method, a display which is added to the render module is be created. The render module will be responsible for rendering.
   Has any wrong with above analysis?
   Any advise and help are appreciated! Hope for your replys!  

        forest80 at 163.com

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