[Paraview] Will decimation filters affects the attributes

Hareesh TK hareeshtk at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 08:08:18 EST 2005

Hi all
I am working on a different file formats, there in my polyData
(vtkPolyData) number of cells (Triangles) are very high (approx
40,000), because of that I am facing performance problem, all my newly
writtened filters are becomming very slow.
Now I planned to use VTK decimation filters to reduce the number of
cells in my polydata.
I want know using decimation filters helps  in solving my problem, and
also to know decimation filters affect the attrbutes of the points.
Or else where I will get the complete information about these
decimation filters.

Is there any other solution to solve my problem.

Thanks in Advance

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