[Paraview] Stream lines crash on large dataset

Luca Gasparini luca.gasparini at aero-lab.it
Wed Aug 10 03:37:58 EDT 2005

I'm finding that Paraview always crashes when tracing streamlines on a
large unstructured grid (>2M nodes) unless the stream lines length is
set to be very short. Furthermore, it appears that before it crashes
memory occupation almost doubles while doing the stream line
Streamlines work correctly for much smaller grids (approx 0.2M nodes).

The code is running on an Intel linux machine with 4GB, and
approximately 1-1.5GB are used to load the dataset (from ensight ascii
format) before starting stream lines tracing.

I wonder if this is a known bug or I'm doing something wrong, since I
could not find anything on the bug list.
Does anybody experienced similar problems ?

Kind regards,

            Luca Gasparini
		Aerolab s.r.l

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