[Paraview] Hdf5/windows issue

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 26 17:23:36 EDT 2004

Jones, Jake S wrote:
> I am having trouble with the function H5Fis_hdf5() in the HDF5 code 
> included in the ParaView tree.
> On a windows system, H5Fis_hdf5() returns false for files that I know 
> are valid hdf5 files. With another non-paraview installation of 
> hdf5-1.6.2 on the same system, H5Fis_hdf5() returns true for these files.
> This problem doesn’t happen on my Linux system.
> Has the HDF5 code in the paraview tree been doctored at all? Are there 
> HDF-related cmake flags that should be set? Other compiler options? Does 
> anyone have an idea what might be happening here?

This is probably a bug.  Please submit a report here:


so that it will be investigated.


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