[Paraview] vtkMy on ParaView

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed, 05 May 2004 09:19:05 -0400

Hi Michael,

ParaView no longer requires TCL wrapping (1.2 and above). It uses a
simple binary-stream wrapping for its internal communication. There is a
way to have your own classes wrapped into this but I haven't done it so
far. I'll let someone who knows more about this answer (Brad? Jean?).


On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 08:23, Michael Grønager wrote:
> Hi Berk (and others...),
> In the process of converting some code to a plugin for Paraview I tried to
> make vtkMy into a XML-module filter for paraview. And discovered that that
> was extremely hard:
> In order to compile vtkMy with TCL support VTK_WRAP_TCL has to be true,
> in the ParaView/CMakeLists.txt the following line:
> enforces VTK_WRAP_TCL to be OFF and hence I cannot configure vtkMy with TCL
> wrapping ON (VTKMY_WRAP_TCL).
> I guess I need TCL wrapping in order to make extra ParaView Filters
> and also it seems like ParaView uses (some kind of?) TCL wrapping.
> How do I solve this problem.
> Once I get everything up and running the code will be opensourced - so
> others will be able to benefit from this as well..
> Best regards,
> Michael