[Paraview] Reguarding python question

Robert Ferrell ferrell at lanl.gov
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 16:40:54 -0700 (MST)

<quote who="Wylie, Brian">
>> * Last but big issue:
>> In my community (climate research), there is a large aggrement to use
>> the python
>> language. Many modules exist for many purpose
>> (numeric processing with Numeric or numarray modules,  input/output and
>> computations with
>> netCDF file with CDMS from the LLNL/PCMDI, ... ).
>> With the VTK API (wrap in python) - that I am promotting,
>> all the parts are here to build nice and usefull applications.
>> Paraview application could be one of them. Unfortunately, it has been
>> based on the Tcl/Tk toolkit where all the modules mentionned above are
>> missing.
>> Also could this project be re-oriented on python ?
>> We have no intention of replacing the use of Tcl with Python. Tcl is and
> will be the main scripting interface for the
>> ParaView GUI. However, we are working on separating the core of ParaView
> from the GUI. This core will be scriptable
>> in any language VTK supports (tcl, python and java). We will also
>> develop
> a language independent (probably xml based)
>> interface to this core. This will also allow us (and everybody willing
>> to
> invest the time) to write clients (GUI) in
>> any language we want. This is in progress now and will start to appear
>> in
> the next release (and will be finished
>> before 1.6).
> I wanted to weigh in on this. Tcl/Tk is dying (I'm sure I'll get lots of
> flames for this). Realize it, start planning for it.
> Python and QT are now 'standards' within our Laboratory. They also have
> very
> good longevity outlooks. I know QT has issues with 'free' versions on
> windows. On the flip side open source projects should be international and
> the internationalization and localization support for QT is phenomenal.
> The
> international user base would be nothing less than orgasmic if they could
> have menus and help text in their native languages.
> What percentage of ParaView contributors use windows?

I'm not a contributor, but I am a user.  I use Windows.  I don't care much
about free.  I care a lot about open source.  I have no problem spending
$30 (or $300) for something that works well (e.g. Qt).  (In almost every
case, buying software, even when it is expensive, is much cheaper than
writing it myself.)

I would very much like to see Python (and Qt) (PyQT?), become the
foundation for ParaView.  I'm not adept at Tcl/Tk, and since it's dying,
and I don't have much desire to become adept at it.  That limits what I
can do to customize ParaView for myself.

My $0.02, hardly a bargain at that price.
