[Paraview] Reguarding python question

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 16:02:43 -0700

> * Last but big issue:
> In my community (climate research), there is a large aggrement to use
> the python
> language. Many modules exist for many purpose
> (numeric processing with Numeric or numarray modules,  input/output and 
> computations with
> netCDF file with CDMS from the LLNL/PCMDI, ... ).  
> With the VTK API (wrap in python) - that I am promotting,
> all the parts are here to build nice and usefull applications. 
> Paraview application could be one of them. Unfortunately, it has been 
> based on the Tcl/Tk toolkit where all the modules mentionned above are 
> missing.
> Also could this project be re-oriented on python ?

> We have no intention of replacing the use of Tcl with Python. Tcl is and
will be the main scripting interface for the 
> ParaView GUI. However, we are working on separating the core of ParaView
from the GUI. This core will be scriptable 
> in any language VTK supports (tcl, python and java). We will also develop
a language independent (probably xml based) 
> interface to this core. This will also allow us (and everybody willing to
invest the time) to write clients (GUI) in 
> any language we want. This is in progress now and will start to appear in
the next release (and will be finished 
> before 1.6). 

I wanted to weigh in on this. Tcl/Tk is dying (I'm sure I'll get lots of
flames for this). Realize it, start planning for it.

Python and QT are now 'standards' within our Laboratory. They also have very
good longevity outlooks. I know QT has issues with 'free' versions on
windows. On the flip side open source projects should be international and
the internationalization and localization support for QT is phenomenal. The
international user base would be nothing less than orgasmic if they could
have menus and help text in their native languages. 

What percentage of ParaView contributors use windows?

Also you can get QT for windows by buying a $30 book. So basically Unix/Mac
is free... Want to develop on windows? Buy a $30 book.

Okay, so perhaps I'm being a little unrealistic but I'm concerned about the
long term development and support of ParaView that's based on a dying gui

	Brian Wylie
	Sandia National Laboratories
	MS 0822 - Org 9227 - Building 880/A1-J
     (505) 844-2238   FAX (505) 845-0833
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