[Paraview] Off screen rendering and software rendering

Koichiro Suzuki suz at mito.ssd.ssg.fujitsu.com
Fri Jul 23 21:27:19 EDT 2004

Hello all,

 I've just stuck on some points about "off screen rendering" and
"software rendering" of ParaView.
 Could you tell me?

1. How does the process behave with/without "--use-offscreen-rendering" ?
   Regardless of the option "--use-offscreen-rendering", the server process
   does not have a window. Does "Off Screen Rendering" mean "no windows" ?
   Without "--use-offscreen-rendering", is the rendering processed on a client
  after objects are transfered to client ?

2. What's the difference between 
   ("--use-software-rendering" or "--use-satellite-software")  and
   "--use-offscreen-rendering" options?

 Best Regards.

Koichiro Suzuki
suz at mito.ssd.ssg.fujitsu.com

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