[Paraview] How to run Paraview by MPI

Koichiro Suzuki suz at mito.ssd.ssg.fujitsu.com
Tue Jul 20 22:11:20 EDT 2004

Hello, all

 I ran paraview1.4.3 by mpirun , but following error occured.

% mpirun -np 2 /home/suz/paraview143/bin/paraview --server
Waiting for client...
MPI_Recv: invalid tag argument (rank 1, comm 2)
Rank (1, MPI_COMM_WORLD): Call stack within LAM:
Rank (1, MPI_COMM_WORLD):  - MPI_Recv()
Rank (1, MPI_COMM_WORLD):  - main()

One of the processes started by mpirun has exited with a nonzero exit
code.  This typically indicates that the process finished in error.
If your process did not finish in error, be sure to include a "return
0" or "exit(0)" in your C code before exiting the application.

PID 19998 failed on node n0 with exit status 1.

 Please tell me how do I run Paraview by MPI?

 I made paraview with the following ccmake flags.

 MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY                /usr/lib/liblam.a
 MPI_INCLUDE_PATH                 /usr/include
 MPI_LIBRARY                      /usr/lib/libmpi.a
 VTK_MPIRUN_EXE                   /usr/bin/mpirun
 VTK_MPI_MAX_NUMPROCS             2
 VTK_MPI_NUMPROC_FLAG             -np
 VTK_USE_MPI                      ON

 OS is RedHat 8.0.
 Best Regards..

Koichiro Suzuki
suz at mito.ssd.ssg.fujitsu.com

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