[Paraview] render module interface documentation

Doug McCorkle mccdo at iastate.edu
Thu Jul 8 21:55:21 EDT 2004

	Thanks for all the info. I have just started the performer project
so I have nothing to share yet. I would be glad to share my code as it
progresses as I am interested in the osg paraview stuff. I plan to have the
source for the performer project under lgpl or see if the paraview guys are
interested at all with it. I am going on vacation this week so after that I
will dig into your example. Thanks for all the info and code.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Grønager [mailto:Michael.Gronager at uni-c.dk]
>Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:22 PM
>To: mccdo at iastate.edu; paraview at paraview.org
>Subject: Re: [Paraview] render module interface documentation
>Attached please find the source for the plugin...
>For now it only supports conversion from vtk format to osg and viewing in
>However, I'm implementing osgVR a  library for doing clustering with OSG
>this will open
>up for full clustering support.
>My plan is first to finish the clustering (some time during august, as I go
>on vacation next week :-)
>then changing osgPV use osgVR will just be changing a few lines...
>As far as implementing it as a renderer in Paraview I was hoping to find an
>example of someone else doing exactly this...
>But a module is also kind of OK as a start.
>Another issue is of course  interaction with PV from VR, which I haven't
>solved either.
>How finished is you Performer link ? And on what platforms does it run ?
>(mine should work on all from windows to Unix and mac).
>Finally a note on osgPV: You need a to download (/CVS) openscenegraph,
>openproducer, openthreads and compile to make things compile and run.
>Have fun!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Doug McCorkle" <mccdo at iastate.edu>
>To: "'Michael Grønager'" <Michael.Gronager at uni-c.dk>;
><paraview at paraview.org>
>Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:02 PM
>Subject: RE: [Paraview] render module interface documentation
>    After I did the performer one I was going to do the same thing for OSG.
>I would be very interested in seeing how your module works. Is it possible
>could get a copy of your source? I would also be interested in your
>for implementing the osgVTK into a paraview renderer.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Michael Grønager [mailto:Michael.Gronager at uni-c.dk]
>>Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 3:53 PM
>>To: mccdo at iastate.edu
>>Subject: Re: [Paraview] render module interface documentation
>>I would like to note that for those who want to run ParaView in Caves, but
>>don't want to use
>>performer - I've made a similar translator osgVTK for translation to
>>Currently I am implementing a renderer based on this into Paraview - Till
>>now I've just made
>>it a Module filter, but this info could become handy ;-)
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Doug McCorkle" <mccdo at iastate.edu>
>>To: "Charles Law" <charles.law at kitware.com>
>>Cc: <mccdo at iastate.edu>; <paraview at paraview.org>
>>Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 7:21 PM
>>Subject: RE: [Paraview] render module interface documentation
>>> Charles,
>>>      That is exactly the info I was looking for. I greatly appreciate
>>> help. I will keep you updated on the progress of the module as I am
>>> working on it. You are correct, I was planning on keeping the gui
>>> render window active. Thanks again for the info.
>>> Doug
>>> > Doug,
>>> >
>>> > I believe the cave render module classes I referenced were added after
>>> > 1.4.  I just looked at the vtkActorToPF web pages at UIUC.  It would
>>> > easy enough to create the actor to PF translator object in a subclass
>>> > vtkPVPartDisplay.  I assume that ParaView would keep its
>>> > for the GUI, and Performer would manage its own rendering and cameras.
>>> > do not know enough about Performer to say any more.
>>> >
>>> > Charles.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > At 01:17 PM 7/6/2004 -0500, Doug McCorkle wrote:
>>> >>Charles,
>>> >>      Thanks for your detailed response.  I look forward to your more
>>> >> formal
>>> >>documentation. I would like to explore writing a plugin that would
>>> >>rendering with Performer by using the vtkActorToPF library out of
>>> >>would like to be able to take advantage of a scene graph and the
>>> >>functionality of paraview. Do you think this is feasible? Also, are
>>> >>doxygen pages created for the vtk classes you mentioned?
>>> >>
>>> >>Doug
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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