[Paraview] another error message using custom reader

John Biddiscombe (CSCS) biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Dec 16 07:31:00 EST 2004

I'm using today's cvs (but I've tried with several versions), and I have 
a new error. the reader generates a heirarchical box dataset with a 
single uniform grid inside it. The reader reads data ok and pumps out 
some info for me for debugging, but once it finishes the executedata 
method, the error below pops up.  I'm not sure where to look for this 
vtkMPIMoveData data problem. If anyone can point me in the correct 
direction, please do...

incidentally, notice that the update extent of the box is 0,-1.... which 
is what I'd expect on first pass, because the pipeline doesn't know how 
big the data is until  executeinformation has generated the size, but 
once we get to execute data I would expect the streaming mechanism to 
have puit something in there. I'm hoping to run the file reader on 8 
nodes and break the file read up between them. Do the heiracrchical box  
datasts handle extents the same as structured data...

anyway..thanks in advance for any clues


ExecuteInformation : UpdateExtent is : 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1
ExecuteData : UpdateExtent is : 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1
this->DataExtent : 0 499 0 499 0 99
Compressed size of /workspace/biddisco/meteo_ieee2004/QGRAUPf12.bin.gz 
is 74162342
creating float array QGRAUP
Range : 0 1e+35
Vis array was NULL
Blanked off 103903 Points, out of 25000000
# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: 
/local/packages/ParaViewCvs/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx (550)
 Object type: vtkMPIMoveData, could not find requested method: "SetInput"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = id_value {1289}
  Argument 1 = string_value {SetInput}
  Argument 2 = id_value {1255}
ErrorMessage end
Object type: vtkMPIMoveData, could not find requested method: "SetInput"
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: 
/local/packages/ParaViewCvs/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx (553)
 Aborting execution for debugging purposes.
ErrorMessage end
Abort (core dumped)

John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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