[Paraview] a batch image question

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 08:45:14 -0400

Hi Stephen,

Did you try the Offscreen option? It should solve your problem, and it is 
available in the dialog box that comes up after you choose a filename for 
saving the batch script.

- Amy

At 08:08 AM 4/20/2004, Stephen Wornom wrote:
>When I run my batch script (there are 100 data sets) the image appears
>on my desktop, get saved, and proceeds to correctly create the 100
>I must leave the pview window untouched or the image get whatever
>appears in that window. Is there a way to avoid this as pview ties up
>the workstation for several hours.
>Stephen Wornom                     | Email : Stephen.Wornom at inria.fr
>INRIA Centre de Sophia Antipolis   | Phone : (33) 04 92 38 71 79
>BP 93,06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX | Telex :      97 00 50 F
>      France                        | Fax   : (33) 04 92 38 79 80
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