[Paraview] running pview on cluster using multiple processes

Stephen Wornom Stephen.Wornom at sophia.inria.fr
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:20:43 +0200

I have 100 sets of data to process. running ParaView in the mpi mode
would be nice but I don't how to do this. Maybe I missed a users e-mail
to explain this, if so, a copy would be appreciated.

In the short term, mpi is not necessary as each data set is independent
of each other let each processor run ParaView processing the data
sequential (data set 1:15 go to process0r 0, 26-50 go processor 1,
 Has anyone written a script that would send the data sets to the
different processors?
Stephen Wornom                     | Email : Stephen.Wornom at inria.fr
INRIA Centre de Sophia Antipolis   | Phone : (33) 04 92 38 71 79
BP 93,06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX | Telex :      97 00 50 F
     France                        | Fax   : (33) 04 92 38 79 80