[Paraview] XML file name question

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Tue, 06 Apr 2004 09:13:53 -0400

Hi Robert,

The reason the file extensions are different is so that you know without 
opening the file what type of data it contains. You can determine what 
reader to use just by looking at the file extension. Yes, it's redundant 
information, but it seemed to make more sense than having the same file 
extension for files that contain completely different data set types. I 
wasn't particularly involved in the XML design for the VTK file format, so 
someone else will have to comment on the rest of your question.

- Amy

At 07:32 PM 4/5/2004, Robert Ferrell wrote:
>I have a question about the file extension conventions for VTK XML files.
>Each data type and file type is paired with a particular file extension.
>What is the purpose of having different file extensions?  The 'type'
>attribute of the root element (VTKFile) uniquely identifies the type of
>data contained in the root element.  So, the file extension information is
>redundant.  Also, why is the 'type' attribute needed on the root element?
>The name of the first subordinate element must correspond the the 'type'.
>As I see it, there are three distinct items of information which all must
>match but all provide the same information:
>  * file extension
>  * type attribute of root element
>  * name of the first subordinate element
>Wouldn't everything be simpler if only the third item were used?  What
>would not work?
>This is not criticism.  I'm simply curious.
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