[Paraview] EnSight multi-part loading

Charles Law charles . law at kitware . com
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 12:51:47 -0500


When I created the code to compute the total number of points, I did not 
consider sources that have outputs which share the same points.  I believe 
that the EnSight reader is the only source which does this.  The easiest 
fix is to "clean" the EnSight readers outputs to get rid of unused 
points.  With a little extra work we could detect the shared points ...


At 08:32 AM 11/24/2003, Jean M. Favre wrote:
>While reading EnSight geom files composed of multiple parts, I was 
>surprised by the large number of points shown in the 
>Information.statistics field of my reader object.
>my data was made of just over 2 million points and ParaView showed I had 
>202 million points. For a moment, I thought I had beaten my own 
>visualization record. :-)
>The answer is that the statistics are calculated by adding the number of 
>points for each EnSight part, i.e. each VTK Output, event though the 
>vtkPoints is ref. counted, and only created once. Since I had 101 parts, I 
>had 101 times the number of real points.
>What is the justification for that? no need to boost performance like 
>that. Isn't ParaView already good enough?
>Somebody cares to comment?
>Dr. Jean M. Favre,                            email: favre @ cscs . ch
>http://www . cscs . ch/people/Favre . html
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