[Paraview] Transient data and rotating geometry

Charles Law charles . law at kitware . com
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 11:44:47 -0400


Since we do not have a transform filter you will have to rotate the actor.

I added the line:

Actor7 RotateZ 6

to the animation script editor, and it worked fine.  Every animation step 
the impeller will rotate 6 degrees.  You will have to figure out which 
actor number is used for your impeller.  The actor numbers start at 3 (0, 
1, 2 are for the glyphs).  Use the command promt and type "vtkPVLODActor 
ListInstances" to get a list of actors.  If rotation is not around the 
correct point, change the origin in the impellers display page.


At 01:18 PM 6/26/2003 +0200, Ulrik Ullum wrote:
>I'm trying to make an animation of transient data measured in the impeller 
>and diffuser of a pump. I've written my velocity vector data in vtk-files 
>- one for each time-step/angular position of the pump impeller. The 
>filenames are anim_001.vtk, anim_002.vtk......anim_N.vtk and loading the 
>files and animating works like a charm (I'm using the CVS version).
>Now, I also have a VRML-representation (due to the kind help of Charles 
>Law) of my impeller geometry which I would like to include in the 
>animation. I would like to be able to rotate this geomtry a certain angle 
>(corresponding to my time-step) for each time I load a new vtk-time step - 
>is there a way to do that?
>If it is possible to do it by commands in the animation script editor I 
>would be grateful if anybody could give me a hint in the right direction!