[Paraview] Transient Data

Berk Geveci berk . geveci at kitware . com
05 Jun 2003 13:09:58 -0400


> I work at the Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Lab.  
> We have been looking at ParaView as a way to visualize our CFD results.  
> The problem is that most of our data sets are transient, so we would like 
> to load in multiple data files in series to create sort of an animation 
> effect. 

We have been working on this for some time. We have been making
improvements on the animation editor. We have also added time support
to a few readers. Can you describe what you want to achieve in some
detail ? What file formats you are using, what kind of parameters
you want to modify in time (this might simply be the filename or
some reader time parameter) etc etc... Unfortunately, we haven't
made a release which has these features yet. Depending on how urgent
your needs are, you might either wait for the next release (anywhere
between 3 weeks to 6 weeks, I think) or work with the development
version. I will be happy to help you to get started.
