[Paraview] Error on demo example

Farid Moussaoui farid . moussaoui at epfl . ch
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 17:40:40 +0200 (MEST)


I just downloaded Paraview by cvs and installed it on my linux box.

When I run the play demo application. I got the following message : 

# Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file:
/opt/ParaViewComplete/ParaView/Widgets/vtkKWApplication.cxx (1022)
    Returned Error on line 3649: 
      Object named: vtkTemp1, could not find requested method:
or the method was called with incorrect arguments.

When I have this message, I have no access to the GUI....


Farid Moussaoui                                    Tel : +41 21 693 3533
Laboratory of Computational Engineering            Fax : +41 21 693 3646
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne                                   http://lin . epfl . ch
                      \"Think. Then discretise.\" - Rokhlin