[Paraview] Are GetMacro/SetMacro Necessary for Source Modules?

Andy Cedilnik andy . cedilnik at kitware . com
17 Jul 2003 15:28:05 -0400

Hi Daniel,

ParaView just calls tcl method something like:

("%s Set%s %d", source->GetTclName(), method, value);

So, if your source is vtkSphereSource vtkTemp634 and your method is
ThetaResolution, then the call will look like this:

vtkTemp634 SetThetaResolution 100

That means you do not have to use set/get macros. That said, make sure
that things will get wrapped (no //BTX//ETX) and that the arguments are
in the right format:

set macro creates:

virtual void SetMethod(type value);

get macro creates:

virtual type GetMethod();

What do you mean by XML definitions for the modules?


On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 15:11, godach at juno . com wrote:
> This is probably a dumb question, but as I am currently in the processs 
> of writing a source module, I wonder if it is necessary to write a set 
> of macro functions for each member attribute. Or can I just write my 
> own setXXX/getXXX functions? In fact, I am curious how the modules work:
> When Parview users change the attributes of a source, does Paraview 
> call the corresponding setMacro functions and call the Execute/Update
> function upon clicking "Accept"? 
> And I am also curious if the XML definitions for the modules are 
> available online, or could anyone kindly point out the files in the 
> src that contains such info?
> Thanks for your help!