[Paraview] Runnnig ParaView in parallel mode.

Berk Geveci berklist@nycap.rr.com
27 Jan 2003 16:53:15 -0500

> WARNING: Your system is running with a buggy dynamic loader.
> This may cause crashes in certain applications.  If you
> experience crashes you can try setting the environment
> variable __GL_SINGLE_THREADED.  For more information please
> consult the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section in the file
> /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README.
> WARNING: Your system is running with a buggy dynamic loader.
> This may cause crashes in certain applications.  If you
> experience crashes you can try setting the environment
> variable __GL_SINGLE_THREADED.  For more information please
> consult the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section in the file
> /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README.
> no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
> p0_4572: (14.663885) net_send: could not write to fd=6, errno = 104
> bash-2.05b$ 
> Does any body have an idea about what does this mean.

I don't know what the first error is. I guess it is the NVIDIA drivers
telling that they don't like the dynamic loader you are using, this
has nothing to do with ParaView. However, this is not why ParaView
is not running. It is not running because your 2nd process does not
get a DISPLAY variable and it can't figure out where to display it's
window. Depending on your MPI implementation and the shell you are
using, there are different ways of setting this. Some MPI 
implementations allow specifying env. variables on the command line
while with others you have to specify it in a startup file such as