[Paraview] IRIX64 compile errors

Marsha Boggs boggs at lanl . gov
Thu, 04 Dec 2003 11:03:19 -0700

I have been unable to get a successful compile on SGI's running IRIX 64
since ParaView release 1.0.2.

I get the following errors :

Building object file vtkDataArraySelection.o...
cc-3345 cc: ERROR File = 
Line = 28
   "vector" is not a template.

   class vtkDataArraySelectionArrayNamesType: public 
vtkstd::vector<vtkstd::string> {};

cc-1255 cc: ERROR File = 
Line = 28
   The global scope has no "string".

Any clues?

boggs at lanl . gov
CCN-12 Scientific Software Engineering Group
Phone: 505.665.6606, Fax: 505.665.5402
Los Alamos National Laboratory, PO Box 1663, MS B295, Los Alamos, NM 87545