[Paraview] mpi startup

Dave Semeraro semeraro at ncsa . uiuc . edu
Thu, 07 Aug 2003 09:40:01 -0500


I would like to know how to start paraview under mpi on a linux cluster. I 
have version 1.0 of
paraview and have installed it on our cluster. I can try using mpirun with 
the paraview executable
but I dont know how to guarantee that the console will get the user 
interface part of the app.
Anyone out there been down this road before? Any help or advice would be 
greatly appreciated.


Dave Semeraro Ph.D.
Visualization and Virtual Environments Group
NCSA University of Illinois
605 E. Springfield Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Semeraro at ncsa . uiuc . edu
(217) 244-1852