Robert Ferrell ferrell at diablotech . com
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:23:20 -0000 (GMT)

<quote who="Charles Law">
> At 11:52 PM 8/4/2003 +0000, Robert Ferrell wrote:
>>What is the difference between specifying data as a FIELD with 1
>> component and specifying the data with a SCALARS attribute?  It seems
>> that SCALARS is redundant, so I must be missing the point.
> Scalars are also stored in the field data, but scalars are marked as
> special and many filters look for this special/default array.  If you
> specify attribute data as a field, then you will have to do addition
> stuff  to get filters to process this array (or color an actor by this
> array).

That's clear.  If I recall from some other email, it is possible to input
only one SCALAR field, right?

>>I am not able to input a 2D mesh.  Should that work?  I can specify a
>> flat 3D mesh, with all z coords == 0.0.  Is that what I should
> VTK only has 3 component points, so for 2D meshes you would have to set
> one  component (z) to 0.0.

Thanks for the response.

BTW, the upgrade from .6 to 1.0 is very smooth.  You guys have done a
great job.
