[Paraview-developers] Editing filter parameters from OpenVR Plugin

Jan Schutte jan.o.schutte at gmail.com
Tue May 22 08:13:35 EDT 2018

Hi Ken,

That worked on my first try, thanks!


Op ma 21 mei 2018 om 15:19 schreef Ken Martin <ken.martin at kitware.com>:

> If you haven't already try adding a
>   this->SMView->StillRender();
> after you make your change.  If that doesn't work let me know. I think I
> have a newer way of doing it on a local build.
> Thanks!
> Ken
> On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 10:08 AM, Jan Schutte <jan.o.schutte at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been working on an extensions to the OpenVR plugin that allows users
>> to edit pipeline properties from inside VR.
>> I'm able to read what properties filters and sources have, and I'm able
>> to set these propterties but I haven't been able to
>> update the pipeline and show the changes in the VR renderer.
>> Here is an example from my code for setting a boolean value:
>> vtkSMIntVectorProperty* ivp =
>> vtkSMIntVectorProperty::SafeDownCast(this->property);
>> int value = ivp->GetElement(0);
>> if (value) {
>> ivp->SetElement(0, 0);
>> }
>> else {
>> ivp->SetElement(0, 1);
>> }
>> this->property->Modified(); // Does not work
>> this->proxy->UpdateVTKObjects(); // Does not work
>> As a test I try to set the *flip* property of a *clip* filter, I can see
>> the checkmark changing in the GUI, but the change is
>> not applied to the renderer and the apply button stay's inactive.
>> What steps do I need to take in order to update the whole pipeline
>> (similar to clicking apply in the desktop gui) apart from
>> what I'm doing now?
>> Regards,
>> Jan Schutte
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