[Paraview-developers] recent changes to FileDialog

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Feb 23 07:39:07 EST 2018

Unintended bug. I’ll track it down. Thanks. 

> On Feb 23, 2018, at 4:08 AM, Favre Jean <jfavre at cscs.ch> wrote:
> Developers
> some recent changes to pqFileDialog to support Directory Groups seem to have an undesirable side-effect. When running client-server, I no longer can select Folders, and traverse sub-directory hierarchies on the remote file system. Folders are not visible in the panel.
> if I select "All files (*)", Folders are now visible, but they're not seen as Folders, they are seen as regular Files.
> I find this quite disturbing. It mixes Folders and Files all together in the dialog and make it difficult to identify sub-directory hierarchies. See the difference between the same dialog open with PV5.4 and PV master.
> Is this a temporary state, or an unforeseen consequence of the changes?
> -----------------
> Jean/CSCS
> <pvmaster.png>
> <pv54.png>
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