[Paraview-developers] 100% CPU usage once again

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Mon Oct 9 17:27:39 EDT 2017


Thanks for the info. I updated the Wiki page with your information. Hopefully I captured everything.

I'll let someone from Kitware respond about the possibility of changing the binaries that are distributed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paraview-developers [mailto:paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Paul Kapinos
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2017 1:08 AM
To: paraview-developers at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview-developers] 100% CPU usage once again

(cross-post from 'paraview at paraview.org' 10/04/2017)

Dear ParaView developer,

in [1] you say
> If you have information on disabling the busy wait using a different 
> MPI implementation, please contribute back by documenting it here.

Here we go.

It is possible to build 'pvserver' using Intel MPI (and GCC compilers).
By setting I_MPI_WAIT_MODE  environment variable to 'enable' value you can effectively prevent busy waiting, see [2] p.10 (Tested with Intel MPI 5.1(.3.181)).

Q/FR.1 Could you please provide a version of 'pvserver' build using Intel MPI in official release of ParaView? [4]

It is (obviously) possible to build 'pvserver' using MPICH (and GCC compilers).
Itself, MPICH can be *configured* with '--with-device=ch3:sock' option. This is described to be 'slower' as '--with-device=ch3:nemesis'
For our experiments it turned out, that 'pvserver' compiled and linked using MPICH with 'ch3:sock' configure option did not have the busy waiting aka 100%-CPU behaviour.
Note that this is *configure-time of MPI library* parameter.

(Tested with MPICH  3.2)

Q/FR.2 Could you please provide a version of 'pvserver' build using MPICH *configured with '--with-device=ch3:sock' option* in official release of ParaView? [4] This binary will be very likely be even compatible with 'standard' MPICH installations; we're able to start it even with IntelMPI's 'mpiexec' with success and no busy waiting. However YES you will need to have a MPICH release be build

It is possible to build 'pvserver' using Open MPI (and GCC compilers).
In [1] you document how-to 'turn off' the busy waiting behaviour in Open MPI (cf. [5],[6]).
Unfortunately this *did not work* in our environment (InfiniBand QDR and Intel OmniPath clusters, OpenMPI 1.10.4).
Note that likely we're not alone, cf. [7].
Note that the switch likely just move the spinning location from MPI library itself to the fabrics library (cf. the screenshots, without 'mpi_yield_when_idle 1' (=default) the 'pvserver' processes spin with 'green' aka user 100%, and with 'mpi_yield_when_idle 1' the processes stays spinning but now with a lot of 'red'
aka kernel time portion.

Conclusion: the way to disable busy waiting for Open MPI which is documented in [1], is not useful for us. We do not know this is a speciality of our site or a general issue; we think some survey at this point could be useful.

Q/FR.3 In case you should want to provide precompiled versions ov 'pvserver' for Open MPI, remember that there are ABI changes in major version changes. So you would likely need to compile+link *three* versions of 'pvserver' with Open MPI 1.10.x (still default in Linux), 2.x (current), 3.x (new).

d) In [10] there is a phrase about how-to disable busy waiting on yet another two MPI implementaions,
> ... IBM MPI has the MP_WAIT_MODE and
> the SUPER-UX MPI/XS library has MPISUSPEND to choose the waiting mode, 
> either polling or sleeping.

Somebody with access to there MPIs could evaluate this, maybe.

Have a nice day,

Paul Kapinos


  (cf. p.10)


[4] https://www.paraview.org/download/

[5] http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#oversubscribing

[6] http://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#force-aggressive-degraded

[7] https://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-December/010349.html

[8] http://blogs.cisco.com/performance/polling-vs-blocking-message-passingprogress

[9] https://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2010/10/14505.php

[10] http://comp.parallel.mpi.narkive.com/3oXMDXno/non-busy-waiting-barrier-in-mpi

[11] http://blogs.cisco.com/performance/polling-vs-blocking-message-passingprogress

[12] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14560714/probe-seems-to-consume-the-cpu

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, IT Center
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915

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