[Paraview-developers] good way to wrap different array types?

David Lonie david.lonie at kitware.com
Tue Apr 25 09:45:46 EDT 2017

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Mark Olesen <Mark.Olesen at esi-group.com> wrote:
> Thanks Dave for the basics.
> If there is any rewriting, I think we'll need something more coordinated than gitlab merge requests.
> Either email, or some design document/discussion on gitlab first to get the main layout etc.
> For the reader code itself, we really need a separate 'OpenFOAM' directory, and later a namespace for all the bits and pieces.
> For the git mv, should I raise an issue, or can someone from KitWare just do it?

I'm cc'ing Mathieu Westphal on this, as I think he's the one doing
OpenFOAM work these days. I'm not actively working on OpenFOAM related
projects anymore, and don't really have much familiarity with the
format aside from a few one-off fixes. As such, I don't really feel
comfortable making any decisions for a rewrite of this reader. I
support the decision to clean it up, but don't really have any free
cycles to spend working on it.

I think there are a few other contributors that work with this format,
so starting a discussion thread on the mailing list to gauge support
would be a good first step, I think.


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