[Paraview-developers] Problem visualizing CxxFullExample in Paraview

thomasblome at startmail.com thomasblome at startmail.com
Sun Sep 18 07:32:03 EDT 2016

In both python scripts ("feslicecinema" and "feslicescript") I found a 


where I changed the argument to True. As a result, during the 
"CxxFullExampleTest" (first test) I can now visualize the simulation in 
Only the second test, "CxxFullExampleCinemaTest", produces following 
errors when I start a connection to Catalyst (output from within PV):

Warning: In 
line 879
vtkSMSourceProxy (00000189F59B6FE0): Proxy (filters, ImageResampling)  
has been deprecated in ParaView 5.1 and will be removed by ParaView 
5.2. Please use "Resample To Image" instead instead of 
"ImageResampling" filter.

line 810
vtkPVPostFilterExecutive (00000189F6464AB0): Input for connection index 
0 on input port index 0 for algorithm vtkPVPostFilter(00000189F67780D0) 
is of type vtkDataObject, but a vtkPolyData is required.

line 549
vtkSMParaViewPipelineControllerWithRendering (00000189F4D94320): Data 
cannot be shown in the defaulted render view!!

By the way, I am using Visual C++ 2010 and 2015 compilers (each 
produced the same errors described in my last message).

Kind regards,

Am Mittwoch, 14. September 2016 19:38 schrieb Andy Bauer 
<andy.bauer at kitware.com>:
> In the Catalyst Python script there should be a line like the 
> following:
> coprocessor.EnableLiveVisualization(True, 1)
> If the first argument to this function is False then it will not try 
> to establish a Live connection to a PV GUI.
> Thanks for the bug report. By the way, which compiler are you using?
> Best,
> Andy
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 1:11 PM, <thomasblome at startmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In retrospect the problem was easly fixed by setting the path system 
>> variable to the directory containing the aforementioned libraries, 
>> but now I found out what the main problem is:
>> What I first tried was to open CatalystCxxFullExample.sln in VS and 
>> then to run the RUN_TESTS project which was successful (both tests 
>> passed).
>> While the tests were running I opened up Paraview and started a 
>> connection to Catalyst via port 22222, as described in the catalyst 
>> users guide.
>> But nothing happened, the GUI pipeline stayed empty, which I 
>> expected to show some pipeline modules to be able to visualize the 
>> current state of the simulation progress.
>> I assumed that RUN_TESTS just performs some tests in the background 
>> and produces .pvtp output files of the simulation, but no actual 
>> visualization is possible, thats why I tried this rather awkward way 
>> by running the example using the windows cmd shell as described 
>> below.
>> But when I start RUN_TESTS for the CFullExample, it is indeed 
>> possible to set up a connection in Paraview while the simulation is 
>> running - it shows a cube in the ouput window.
>> I guess the CxxFullExample should also yield some graphical output. 
>> Is there another way to get the example going (to visualize it in 
>> Paraview during the simulation)?
>> P.S.:
>> - Compiling the CxxFullExample produces "Error C2039 
>> 'back_inserter': is not a member of 'std' CxxFullExample", which one 
>> has to fix manually by including "iterator.h" in 
>> FEDataStructures.cpp (pertains to other Catalyst examples too)
>> Am Dienstag, 13. September 2016 19:46 schrieb Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please keep the discussion on the paraview mailing list so that 
>>> everyone can participate.
>>> As for your question, I don't regularly use Windows for building or 
>>> running simulations so I don't know the answer. Maybe someone else 
>>> on the list can chime in.
>>> Andy
>>> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 4:47 AM, <thomasblome at startmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> thank you for your quick reply. I had tried it first using the 
>>>> cmake-gui but then I followed your recommendation to use the shell 
>>>> script and now it works fine.
>>>> Next thing I want to do is get the Catalyst "CxxFullExample" 
>>>> going. I generated a project file for that example using CMake. 
>>>> Only thing I had to do was to set the ParaView_DIR variable, that 
>>>> is to add the path to the ParaViewConfig.cmake file which I found 
>>>> in the bin-directory of Catalyst (C:\Kitware\Catalyst-v5.1.2\bin).
>>>> Now I have got following questions:
>>>> 1.) I try to run the example by calling CxxFullExample.exe in the 
>>>> debug folder by calling
>>>>             CxxFullExample 2 
>>>> C:\Users\Peripherie\Desktop\CxxFullExample\SampleScripts\feslicesript
>>>>      from the windows cmd, where I specify the python script 
>>>> "feslicesript" as the second argument.
>>>>      By doing so I get an error message saying that following 
>>>> three libraries are missing:
>>>>             vtkPVPythonCatalyst-pv5.1.dll
>>>>             vtkPVCatalyst-pv5.1.dll
>>>>             vtkCommon-pv5.1.dll
>>>>      Do I have to change some options in the cmake.sh script to 
>>>> include those libs?
>>>> 2.) Do I have to install Paraview too, or is the Catalyst version 
>>>> I just installed sufficient to run the example?
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Thomas
>>>> Am Sonntag, 28. August 2016 13:06 schrieb Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>:
>>>>> Did you try the build directions at 
>>>>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Build_Directions? You'll want to use 
>>>>> the cmake.sh script instead of the default CMake settings.
>>>>> On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 12:46 PM, <thomasblome at startmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I downloaded the latest Catalyst edition (5.1.2) to build it on 
>>>>>> my Windows 10 system.
>>>>>> In CMake I use default settings, but it starts complaining while 
>>>>>> configuring, displaying following error message:
>>>>>> CMake Error at VTK/CMake/vtkModuleTop.cmake:59 (message):
>>>>>> No such module "vtkGUISupportQt" needed by 
>>>>>> "vtkPVVTKExtensionsRendering"
>>>>>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>>>>> VTK/CMake/vtkModuleTop.cmake:75 (vtk_module_check)
>>>>>> VTK/CMake/vtkModuleTop.cmake:75 (vtk_module_check)
>>>>>> VTK/CMake/vtkModuleTop.cmake:82 (vtk_module_check)
>>>>>> VTK/CMakeLists.txt:543 (include)
>>>>>> Does anybody know how to fix that?
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Thomas
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