[Paraview-developers] ParaView fails to build with JsonCpp 1.7.5

Hahn, Steven E. hahnse at ornl.gov
Wed Sep 7 17:34:06 EDT 2016

I encountered a compiler error when building ParaView with JsonCpp 1.7.5 and GCC. The error message is attached and appears to be related to JsonCpp changing its Int64 typedef from long long to int64_t.


Since on Linux these are two different types, the call to Json::Value(vtkIdType &) (where vtkIdType is long long) becomes ambiguous.

What is the best way to resolve this issue? The error goes away with VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS=OFF, but I am uncomfortable reducing the size of vtkIdType. I also tried checking the size of long before long long in VTK/Common/Core/vtkType.h, but got an error in VTK/IO/NetCDF/vtkSLACParticleReader.cxx about an invalid conversion from long* to long long*.


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