[Paraview-developers] [Non-DoD Source] Re: Paraview 5.1.2 crashing (RHEL6, 64-bit)

Burns, Andrew J CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil
Wed Sep 7 13:39:48 EDT 2016

From what I've seen of the random std::alloc errors, it seems to be due to an error in memory cleanup. In most cases for me it shows up when I deallocate an object and then immediately allocate a new object. It isn't consistent because I think it may be related to threading somehow.

Andrew Burns
Software Engineer | Leidos
Phone: 410-306-0409
andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil

-----Original Message-----
From: Paraview-developers [mailto:paraview-developers-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Utkarsh Ayachit
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 1:32 PM
To: Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov>
Cc: paraview-developers at paraview.org; Manktelow, Kevin Lee <klmankt at sandia.gov>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [Paraview-developers] Paraview 5.1.2 crashing (RHEL6, 64-bit)

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Haven't seen it. What if you ran with `paraview --mesa-llvm`? Do you still see the issue?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov < Caution-mailto:wascott at sandia.gov > > wrote:

	I keep seeing this error message below, but it appears to be random.  Have you seen anything like this?  Kevin (whom I believe you have communicated with) is the reporter.  I don't know how to write it up, since I don't know how to repeat it.
	Happens with Linux, 5.1.2, local server.  Doesn't seem to be data dependent.  Once it happens, ParaView will crash soon - randomly.  If you read below, Kevin did have a crash at this point.
	To: paraview-help at sandia.gov < Caution-mailto:paraview-help at sandia.gov > 
	From: klmankt at sandia.gov < Caution-mailto:klmankt at sandia.gov > 
	Hi, I tried to load a state file and paraview just crashed on me.  It's happened a few times now but I'm not sure how to reproduce it just yet.
	I don't need a solution (read: no time to troubleshoot it at the moment and it's not any big issue) so feel free to close this.
	The output is below, looks like maybe there just some exception that isn't being caught.  Just thought I'd pass it out.
	[klmankt at kevinlnx read_ssvar_aftcover]$ X Error: GLXBadContext 169
	  Extension:    154 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x4400a0c
	X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
	  Extension:    155 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 4 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x440095b
	ERROR: In /home/kitware/dashboards/buildbot/paraview-debian6dash-linux-shared-release_opengl2_qt4_superbuild/source-paraview/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL2/vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 597 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x935bff0): GLEW could not be initialized.
	X Error: GLXBadContext 169
	  Extension:    154 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x4400a0c
	X Error: GLXBadContext 169
	  Extension:    154 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x4400a0c
	X Error: GLXBadContext 169
	  Extension:    154 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x4400a0c
	X Error: GLXBadContext 169
	  Extension:    154 (Uknown extension)
	  Minor opcode: 5 (Unknown request)
	  Resource id:  0x4400a0c
	Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.
	terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
	  what():  std::bad_alloc
	Abort (core dumped)
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