[Paraview-developers] Filter with multiple time-aware outputs

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri May 27 08:42:01 EDT 2016

> Is it possible to trigger a file reader from a filter input? If it's
> possible I think I can achieve this using two filters in sequence in the
> pipeline: the first dump data on files, and the second would read the data
> from the disk when it receives a new data on its input port. This way the
> second filter would know already the number of time steps in its
> RequestInformation() to configure the output ports before reading the files.

I am not sure I follow, but what I followed doesn't seem like it would
work. The second filter still only receive new data on its input in
RequestData() so not sure how it will already know the timesteps.

Do you want to try explaining what are you trying to do succinctly,
maybe someone can suggest an alternative approach.

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