[Paraview-developers] Help with advanced GUI for filter

Ellon Paiva ellonpaiva at gmail.com
Thu May 19 12:56:00 EDT 2016

Hello all,

I got some advances with this interface but I still need some help. :-/

I noticed the Adding Customizations for Properties Panel 
section in the HowTo and I decided to use the example from ParaView 
source (Examples/Plugins/PropertyWidgets) as a base. I created the 
interface using qt-creator and made it available to ParaView as the 
property widget for a dummy plugin (see images attached). My questions 
now are:

 1. How can I access the values set from on this widget in my filter
    class (which is a subclass of vtkPolyDataAlgorithm, see files
    attached)? When I was creating the interface using XML files only
    the changes were stored in filter attributes through Set/Get
    methods, and thus accessible into RequestData(), but I don't see how
    to do it from the widget I created now.
 2. The Apply button in the interface is does not change to enabled
    state automatically when changing the options in the widged. I tried
    to emit a changeFinished() signal but it didn't enable the Apply
    button. How can I achieve this behavior?
 3. I'm implementing the widget display logic inside the widget class.
    Is that OK or should I do it using pqPropertyWidgetDecorator? Is
    there any preferable way or doesn't matter?

I created a minimal example of what I'm trying to do in the 
MinimalPlugin.tar.gz file attached, I image you'll be able to compile it 
without problems. I included also the Qt Creator .pro file I'm using.

Any help will be appreciated. :)



On 05/14/2016 01:13 AM, Ellon Paiva wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm setting myself to implement filter on paraview that may receive a 
> considerable number of parameters. I thought about a logical way to 
> organize these parameters in a GUI. You will find an attached file 
> describing what I have in mind for that.
> The problem is that up to now I just made GUIs with simple parameters 
> defined using a XML file, mostly based on the information I found in 
> the Plugin HowTo page 
> <http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Plugin_HowTo#Adding_GUI_Parameters>, 
> and thus I don't know how to achieve the desired behavior of this GUI 
> in ParaView.
> Does anyone know how to achieve that? Any page with related 
> material/tutorial/documentation or a source code I could use as a base 
> would be very helpful.
> Regards,
> Ellon

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