[Paraview-developers] Using OpenMP for custom plugins/filters

Schlottke-Lakemper, Michael m.schlottke-lakemper at aia.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Mar 8 06:22:27 EST 2016

Hi everyone,

We have a custom parallel reader plugin that works well with our files even on large-ish (100-1000) number of cores for the pvserver. Recently we’ve added the capability to also create ghost cells with this reader such that MPI domain boundaries become transparent to filters that need neighbor data, e.g., for gradient computations. However, this ghost cell generation takes up quite some time, so we would like to keep the number of MPI ranks at a minimum and use hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelism for our plugin.

My question is thus if it is possible to use OpenMP inside a custom plugin? And if yes, is there a canonical way to do it (maybe an example plugin) or is it going to be a hack?

When searching the interwebs for ParaView and OpenMP, I only came up with an old VTK mailing list thread from 2014 (http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2014-March/083399.html), in which David (DeMarle) refers to some initial documentation of the SMP framework (http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/images/3/3b/VTK_SMP_Guide.pdf). However, the linked PDF does not contain references to OpenMP.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Michael Schlottke-Lakemper

Chair of Fluid Mechanics and Institute of Aerodynamics
RWTH Aachen University
Wüllnerstraße 5a
52062 Aachen

Phone: +49 (241) 80 95188
Fax: +49 (241) 80 92257
Mail: m.schlottke-lakemper at aia.rwth-aachen.de<mailto:m.schlottke-lakemper at aia.rwth-aachen.de>
Web: http://www.aia.rwth-aachen.de

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