[Paraview-developers] ParaView record partially?

Luca D'Ambros lucadambros at outlook.com
Fri Jun 24 01:18:42 EDT 2016

A few days ago I installed ParaView TangoRecorder 
(https://github.com/Kitware/ParaViewTangoRecorder) and I'm in trouble.

I tried to use it to record a little table but the result was that: 

All the files are in VTK file format.

In a few words: I record a table but when I use the ParaView PC software 
I noticed that the record was incomplete. I walked around the table in 
every single position but it's incomplete.

Can I modify the app to solve that?


P.S. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37917894/paraview-record-partially

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