[Paraview-developers] Visualizing field data on 3D Delaunchy generated mesh from points

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Tue Jul 26 23:25:47 EDT 2016


Hmm, Delaunay 3D should pass the point data arrays on to the output. Here
is an example pipeline where this works:

Point source: Number of Points, 100; Radius, 1
Calculator: Expression, "coordsX", Result Array Name, "X"
Delaunay 3D

The output of Delaunay 3D contains the X array.

As for creating the Delaunay 3D output just once, I would create the mesh
from one of your time steps one time and save it out as a .vtu file. Next,
when you are creating your animation, just load your point files as before
along with the .vtu file. To associate the data from each time step on the
mesh, use the Resample with Dataset filter. Set the Delaunay 3D mesh as the
Source and the time-varying data as the Input. The Input point data will
now be "attached" to the Delaunay 3D output mesh, and you should be able to
visualize it.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 7:49 PM, sumeet kumar <sumeet.kumar507 at gmail.com>

> I have a collection of points with their coordinates. Each point have
> certain field ( let say scalar, vector or tensor associated with it). I am
> currently using delaunchy 3D filter to create a 3D mesh and it works fine.
> But next what I want is to visualize the data I had on the nodes. How can
> I achieve this in Paraview. No field data appears on the delaunchy #D
> generated mesh.
> Also, when I change my time step, the filter again creates a Delaunchy 3D
> mesh. Is there any way to tell the algorithm generate the mesh only once
> and utilize it for other steps.  Please note that, the number of nodes and
> their coordinates are not changing with time.
> Thanks
> Sumeet
> --
> Sumeet Kumar Sinha
> Graduate Student
> Phone: (+1)  <%28%2B91%29%209910516219>5306018271
> Website : http://www.sumeetsinha.in/
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Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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