[Paraview-developers] vtkRenderingFreeType error

thomasblome at startmail.com thomasblome at startmail.com
Sun Aug 21 04:10:14 EDT 2016


I'm trying to build paraview from source. For this I'm using:

Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015
CMake 3.6.1
paraview 5.1.2
Qt 5.7
msmpi 7.1

I downloaded the source code of paraview from 
http://www.paraview.org/download/ and generated the project in CMake.
Every time I switch on BUILD_EXAMPLES, I get the following error 
messages in VS:

Error    LNK2001    unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl 
 C:\Kitware\ParaView-v5.1.0\bin\Autostart_Plugin.obj    1   

Error    LNK2019    unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl 
(?vtkRenderingFreeType_AutoInit_Construct@@YAXXZ) referenced in 
function "public: __cdecl 
(??0vtkRenderingCore_AutoInit@@QEAA at XZ) 

I found the same problem already mentioned here:
so I added the command "target_link_libraries(paraview LINK_PRIVATE 
vtkRenderingFreeType)" to the CMake file located in 
C:\Kitware\ParaView-v5.1.2\Applications\ParaView - right after the 
"build_paraview_client()" macro, but I keep running into the same 

I also tried the build on another system (windows 7, Visual Studio 
2010, Qt 4.8.7), but to no avail.
By the way, I wonder why the ParaviewExamples project in VS doesn't 
contain neither source nor header files. Is that project properly 
generated by CMake?

Thanks in advance!
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