[Paraview-developers] [ANN] Buildbot updates

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Thu Nov 19 15:42:48 EST 2015

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 15:37:47 -0500, David Lonie wrote:
> Let's leave the "builds have been queued" comment -- it's handy to have the
> link to the filtered CDash results page.
> (or stick the same link somewhere else in the new system)

Once the GitLab branch I have there lands, we can put it in the "extra
data" field. But, I suppose we could just add a dummy build result line
with a link to CDash as the "Build #" link, but maybe that's too opaque.
For now, I'll just put the "queued" comment back.

Either way, the end-of-build report comments tend to be the noisy ones,
so the "queued" comments are less urgent.


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