[Paraview-developers] Reading files as Times steps, short question

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jul 29 11:35:04 EDT 2015

The file series reader infrastructure will not handle the case where
the time value is deduced from the filename. You're better of simply
teaching your reader to load a set a files and determine what time
values each file corresponds to. ParaView can pass entire set of
selected files to the reader, using the following XML. You need to
provide RemoveAllFileNames/AddFileName methods on your reader class.

        <FileListDomain name="files" />
        <Documentation>The list of files to be read by the

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:51 AM, RIVERA ROLDAN, Jorge Orlando
<Orlando.RIVERA at mtu.de> wrote:
> Dear  Paraview Developers
> I have a quick , and most probably already asked, question
> I have a bunch of  files
> File1.txt
> File2.txt….
> Or
> File0.5.txt
> File1.0.txt
> File1.5txt ….
> In the first case, is the time step number one , number two …
> In the second case , is  time 0.5s, time 1.s , time 1.5 sec ….
> My reader is actually reading each file well,  how to tell paraview to open
> then  as a series , and set the time steps
> I was looking at something similar  , and the key would be in the xml to add
> a proxy group ? something like :
> <ProxyGroup name="sources">
>     <SourceProxy name=”MyReader"
>                            class="vtkFileSeriesReader"
> si_class="vtkSIFileSeriesReaderProxy"
>                            file_name_method="SetFileName">….
> Still I don’t know how to  adapt that to my case ,
> Do you have any pointer to me , example or documentation
> Any Help would be greatly appreciated  !
> Orlando
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