[Paraview-developers] Update: Upcoming ParaView Releases (4.4 and 5.0)

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sun Jul 19 16:14:44 EDT 2015


it would be great if you can provide a document specifically outlining
> breaking changes in v5.0 for the Plugin API

We've been documenting major API changes on the doxygen pages here:

Of course, if you do notice missing information, holler and we'll update
it. As a team we should document changes to make it easier for plugin and
custom app developers.

differences in required library versions or different flags for compiling
> ParaView etc. Comments on changes for compiling with OSMesa (if any) are
> also welcome.

These will be updated soon. We're working on simplifying the OpenGL/OSMesa
flags that needed to be set for things to work correctly. You can follow
the development here:

Other than that, kudos for following the dual approach with releasing
> 4.4/5.0 simultaneously. This is certainly going to make things much easier
> for us in the transition process, as it allows us to verify if things
> breaking on our side are due to new features or due to the new backend.

Thanks! That is indeed the idea.

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