[Paraview-developers] Need help on Reader Array Selection GUI

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Nov 15 15:01:20 EST 2013


Is "change file name" tool something you added to the GUI?
I believe you need to call


On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Joshua Murphy
<Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on a reader for the LFM heliospheric MHD model, and I am
> running into an Issue that I was hoping someone could help me with.
> The problem is this as follows:
> There are different types of LFM output files:  single-fluid and multi-fluid
> There are different numbers of variables in each file, though some overlap
> If I load either type individually, it works great.
> If I try to change from multi-fluid to single-fluid type using the change
> file name tool in the GUI, the visualization works correctly, and only the
> proper selected variables are loaded, but the GUI still shows all of the
> arrays from the Multi-fluid array as available.  Furthermore, the DATA from
> the old file is persistent, so if I change files with, say Velocity fluid 2
> selected, when I change to the single fluid file, if I then toggle the
> selection of the (non-exisistent) velocity fluid #2, the data from the old
> file is presented in the render window.
> How do I make sure that, when changing files, the old data is removed, and
> only the new data is presented? Both on the GUI and in the Render Window?
> Thanks,
> Josh
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