[Paraview-developers] Need help on Reader Array Selection GUI

Joshua Murphy Joshua.Murphy at lasp.colorado.edu
Fri Nov 15 14:31:25 EST 2013


I am working on a reader for the LFM heliospheric MHD model, and I am running into an Issue that I was hoping someone could help me with.

The problem is this as follows:

 1.  There are different types of LFM output files:  single-fluid and multi-fluid
 2.  There are different numbers of variables in each file, though some overlap
 3.  If I load either type individually, it works great.
 4.  If I try to change from multi-fluid to single-fluid type using the change file name tool in the GUI, the visualization works correctly, and only the proper selected variables are loaded, but the GUI still shows all of the arrays from the Multi-fluid array as available.  Furthermore, the DATA from the old file is persistent, so if I change files with, say Velocity fluid 2 selected, when I change to the single fluid file, if I then toggle the selection of the (non-exisistent) velocity fluid #2, the data from the old file is presented in the render window.

How do I make sure that, when changing files, the old data is removed, and only the new data is presented? Both on the GUI and in the Render Window?

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